Mae Al-Jiboori
Justin Auld
Don Bailey
Carol Benson
Barbara Black
Clint Brown
Lauren Carrera
Myra Clark
Jana Demartini
Pomegranate Doyle
Merridawn Duckler
Angennette Escobar
Ellen Goldschmidt
Anastasiya Gutnik
Kanetaka Ikeda
Aaron Johanson
Michael Knutson
Dede Lucia
Benjamin Mefford
Paul Missal
Monica Mitchell
Christa Nye​
​Eddie Reed
Robert Shepard
Christopher Shotola-Hardt
Stephan Soihl
Noah Alexander Isaac Stein
Philip Stork
Laura Swingen
Hannah Theiss
Amy Turnbull

Prospective Artist Member-Owner Information
Founded in 1979, Blackfish Gallery continues to be an exhibition space where artists support each other professionally and are interested in exhibiting their work without the constraints of a commercial gallery. The Blackfish mission, commitment to the collective business model, and the innovative and professional quality work by local artists have resulted in one of the most enduring and successful cooperative galleries in the United States.
As a collective, all member-owners function as the gallery's Board, and each member-owner participates in making gallery policy decisions at required monthly and annual meetings. By combining member-owner expertise, skills, and time the collective ensures that all facets of the gallery operate professionally and effectively. The artist member-owners of Blackfish also employ a part-time director to represent, promote and sell the art exhibited, and to develop relationships that engage the Portland community with the gallery. Blackfish’s digital presence likewise allows artists to present and sell work to a growing online community of art lovers and collectors.
Blackfish Gallery is owned by its member artists and is funded and maintained through monthly dues, exhibition fees, gallery sales commissions, and grants. The goals and operation of Blackfish Gallery are achieved through the equitable distribution of time and effort among all artist members, as follows.
Exhibition Opportunities as an Artist Member-Owner
New member-owners participate in a New Member Show after joining the gallery and soon thereafter show with the same regularly as all artist-members. With three exhibition spaces, there are frequent opportunities to exhibit either solo, or as part of group shows, which all Blackfish artists are invited to take part in. There are likewise a variety of gallery-sponsored off-site exhibition opportunities.
Time and Task Responsibilities
Each member-owner staffs the gallery for one day each month and serves on two committees. Each member-owner also volunteers as needed for the day-to-day tasks needed to operate the gallery. Attendance is required at monthly and annual meetings.
Financial Responsibilities
New member-owners pay a $160.00 initiation fee. Each member-owner also fulfills their financial responsibilities for timely payment of monthly dues (currently $160.00/month), exhibition fees for their shows, and other occasional gallery fees that may arise. There is a 40% gallery commission fee for all artists’ work sold at the gallery and within the Portland Tri-County area.
​Applying to Blackfish Gallery
By applying, the candidate acknowledges that they have carefully read the above information and that they understand the commitments of becoming an owner-member. Strong member-owner candidates demonstrate their qualifications as art professionals through the level of their work and their record of professional achievement. The artist’s creative inquiry and potential for growth is also considered.
Portfolio Submissions
To apply to be an artist-owner, please submit 20 digital images of recent artwork, a corresponding image inventory list, a letter of intent, a brief artist’s statement, a CV or resumé that includes education and exhibitions. Send a link to these files in your Google Drive or Dropbox to with the subject line "Artist Member-Owner Application." The receipt of your application will be confirmed by a New Member Committee member and your application reviewed. The timeline for this varies. Please be sure to reach out if you have questions about the application process. Please also note that your application will not be reviewed if it is incomplete.
You may also send your files and images on a USB flash drive to the gallery:
Blackfish Gallery
Attn: New Member Coordinator
938 NW Everett St.
Portland, OR 97209
We are always accepting portfolio applications. When the gallery is at capacity, we keep a list of interested parties who have submitted a complete application package and hold a review when space becomes available. If invited to meet with the gallery member-owners for an interview, the candidate presents at least three examples of recent work and answers questions from the member-owners about themselves as an artist and commitment to an artist-owned gallery model.
Apprentice Memberships
Apprentices are part of Blackfish’s commitment to support emerging artists, we offer substantial mentorship and a significant reduction in monthly dues to artists at the beginning of their careers. Qualifications for apprentice membership may include having received an art degree within the last two years (or a commensurate artistic background) and the potential for growth as an artist. Since there are limited apprentice membership positions available, please indicate your interest in your letter of intent. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at