Inside/Broadside Reading: April 11, 7-9pm
Artist Talk with Philip Stork: April 14, 2pm
Alice Christine Walker — Foreplay: Immersive Culinary Art Experience (Limited Ticketed Event): April 20 at 6pm & 8:30pm
Alice Christine Walker Artist Talk and Closing Reception: April 27, 2pm
Gilding the Lily
Alice Christine Walker
Alice Christine Walker — Water Bra, archival pigment print, 17" x 21"
Alice Christine Walker presents Gilding the Lily, a multimedia exhibition with a focus in in photographic arts. Her exhibition unpacks our collective hardship around unrealistic beauty standards and recontextualizes history to help us see how it keeps repeating itself. In many ways, this work is a rebuttal to kintsugi. It is a testament to a shared female experience: being told that we are damaged or broken and need to reconstruct ourselves. This work reclaims our experiences, amplifies our voice and declares “we do not need to be mended, we are perfect with our imperfections ungilded.”

Philip Stork
Philip Stork — Mountain Pass, pastel, 22" x 28"
The subtle pastel and ink works exhibited by Philip Stork in Reimagining invite us to inhabit glowing spaces at once real and imagined. Scaffolded by confident line work, his colorfield constructions offer up new inventions of spaces and volumes—and of ourselves. This quiet transformation traces that of the artist himself, who is amidst a personal reimagination of his own career.
— Group Show —
April is National Poetry Month. To celebrate, several Blackfish artists are participating in Ekphraestival: A Celebration of Word & Image, a multi-gallery effort exhibiting the words and images of Portland’s poet-artists. Inside/Broadside features hand-made letterpress broadsides with words and images from Merridawn Duckler, Corey S. Pressman, Christopher Shotola-Hardt, Aaron Johanson, Noah Alexander Isaac Stein, Angennette Escobar, and Hannah Theiss.